It's always a pleasure to work with the team of as they have specialized designers for all needs of a business. Not only icon design, but also wallpapers, boxshots and even real print boxes.
a-squared Anti-Malware
Customer: Emsi Software GmbH
Anti-Virus, Anti-Trojan, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Worm and Anti-Dialer all in one. Contains the awarded dual-scanner to scan and clean infected computers as well as a background guard which blocks new infections signature- and behavior-based. Includes surf protection, auto-updates, HiJackFree and Commandline Scanner.
Application icon for HiJackFree
Made in 2009 year
HiJackFree helps advanced users to detect and remove Malware manually. With HiJackFree you can manage all active processes, services, drivers, autoruns, open ports, hosts file entries and many more. For your full control over your system. ![]() What customer think about work with us:It's always a pleasure to work with the team of as they have specialized designers for all needs of a business. Not only icon design, but also wallpapers, boxshots and even real print boxes.
Christian Mairoll, Managing Director, Emsi Software GmbH