Portfolio > Website Icons > Website icons for FamousArabBrands.com
Famous Arab Brands
Customer: NJQ & Associatess

The Famous Arab Brands is a free of charge and non-profit project that aims to prepare a list of the most famous Arabic brands. It is aimed to develop the Arab World Trademarks by evaluating the Arabic brands and put them in order according to their popularity.

Website icons for FamousArabBrands.com
Made in 2013 year

We present you the design of icons created for a corporate website www.FamousArabBrands.com.  Each of 15 icons were developed in order to describe specific services provided by NJQ & Associates law firm. According to the client's request the images were created in Google icons style in the warm color palette that made them look modern and dynamic. 

Website icons for FamousArabBrands.com

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